Going Concern Sale Agreement Template

A Going Concern Sale Agreement Template: A Comprehensive Guide

Selling a business as a going concern involves the transfer of a fully functioning business, including its assets, liabilities, and operations, from one party to another. A going concern sale agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale of a going concern business.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on a going concern sale agreement template, including its purpose, key terms, and how to create an effective agreement that is legally binding.

Purpose of a Going Concern Sale Agreement

The purpose of a going concern sale agreement is to formalize the sale of a business as a going concern. This is an essential document that defines the terms and conditions of the sale and transfer of a business`s assets, liabilities, and operations. It also outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both parties in the transfer of ownership and the ongoing management of the business.

Key Terms in a Going Concern Sale Agreement

A going concern sale agreement template should include the following key terms:

1. Purchase Price – This is the purchase price that the buyer agrees to pay for the business, including all its assets and liabilities.

2. Payment Terms – This outlines the payment terms agreed upon by the parties. This includes the schedule of payments, any interest to be charged, and the payment method.

3. Closing Date – This is the date on which the parties agree to complete the transaction.

4. Representations and Warranties – This section includes all the representations and warranties made by both parties. This ensures that both parties understand the state of the business and all its assets and liabilities.

5. Indemnification – This section outlines the indemnification provisions, which protect both parties in the event of a breach of the agreement or any other legal issues.

6. Non-Compete Clause – This is a clause that prohibits the seller from competing with the business being sold within a certain time frame.

How to Create an Effective Going Concern Sale Agreement

When creating an effective going concern sale agreement, you should follow these steps:

1. Consult with legal counsel – It is essential to consult with a lawyer experienced in business transactions to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and protects your interests.

2. Draft the agreement – Using a going concern sale agreement template can help you draft the agreement. Ensure that you include all the essential terms and conditions.

3. Review and negotiate – Review the agreement with the buyer and negotiate any terms that need clarification or adjustment.

4. Sign the agreement – Once both parties agree to the terms and conditions, the agreement should be signed, and the transaction completed.


A going concern sale agreement is a crucial document in the sale of a fully functioning business. By following the steps outlined in this article and using a going concern sale agreement template, you can create an effective agreement that is legally binding, protects your interests, and ensures a smooth transfer of ownership.